Download Auditing and Assurance Notes
This paper is intended to equip the candidate with knowledge, skills and attitudes that will enable him/her to conduct the audit of an entity.
A candidate who passes this paper should be able to:
- Describe the nature and purpose of auditing
- Describe the regulatory framework governing the external audit of financial statements, including an understanding of International Standards of Auditing where appropriate and Professional Ethics and codes of conduct
- Describe the rights, duties and professional obligations of an auditor
- Explain the process of planning an audit and the necessity for an appropriate audit programme taking into account audit evidence and audit risk (excluding group accounts)
- Explain the risk based approach to audit of limited companies; describe the audit evidence required in specified situations
- Describe the audit work required at the final review and report stage of an audit
- Explain the role of internal audit.
Assurance and non- assurance engagements
- Definition and objectives
- Elements of an assurance engagement
- Types of assurance engagements
- Levels of assurance and reports
- Non-assurance engagements
Nature and purpose of an audit
- Nature and objectives
- Audit as an assurance engagement
- Development of audit (early audit and modern audit)
- Types of audit and limitations
Audit legal and professional framework
- Regulatory framework within which external audits take place
- Statutory regulations; auditors’ liability, appointment, removal, remuneration, resignation, rights and duties of auditors
- International standards on auditing and other regulations
- Professional ethics/code of ethics for professional accountants
- Fundamental principles, threats and safeguards; other professional guidelines on audit fees, conflict of interest, advertising and opinion shopping
Planning and risk assessment
- Obtaining ,accepting and retention of an audit engagement
- Assessing audit risks
- Understanding the entity and its environment
- Audit planning, audit strategy, audit programmes and documentation
- Assessing audit risks
- Fraud, laws and regulation
Overview of forensic accounting
- Nature, purpose and scope of forensic accounting
- Types of forensic investigations: corruption, asset misappropriation, financial statement fraud, others
- Fraud prevention and deterrence
Internal control systems
- Internal controls theory and practice
- The use and evaluation of internal control systems by auditors
- Tests of controls on specific control environment
- Communication on internal control systems (management letter)
- Information technology threats and control
Download Auditing and Assurance Notes
Audit evidence
- Financial statement assertions and audit evidence
- Audit evidence procedures/techniques
- Audit sampling and other means of testing
- The audit of specific items (income/expenses/assets/liabilities)
- Using the work of others (internal audit and experts)
- Computer assisted audit techniques
Overall audit review
- Subsequent events review
- Going concern review
- Contingencies and commitments
- Management representations
- Quality control and reviews
- Audit investigations
Audit reports
- Legal provisions on audit reports
- Basic elements and key audit matters
- Types of audit reports and different aspect of reporting
- Features of audit reports
Auditing in the public sector
- Introduction to auditing in the public sector; regulatory provisions
- Framework of public sector audit
- Objective and scope of public sector audit
- Categories of public sector audit (compliance audit, performance, financial)
- Audit report of the auditor general
- Role of internal audit function in public entities
- Relationship between external and internal auditors in the public sector
- International Standards on Supreme Auditing Institutions
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