Download Introduction to Law and Governance CCP Notes
1. Nature, Purpose and Classification of Law
- 1.1 Meaning of law
- 1.2 Nature of law
- 1.3 Purpose of law
- 1.4 Classification of law
- 1.5 Law and morality
- 1.6 The Constitution
- 1.7 Legislation and delegated legislation
- 1.8 Substance of common law and doctrines of equity
- 1.9 African customary law
- 1.10 Islamic law, Hindu law and African customary law
- 1.11 Judicial precedence
- 1.12 General rules of International law and ratified treaties
2. Administrative Law
- 2.1 Meaning of administrative law
- 2.2 Sources of administrative law
- 2.3 Functions of administrative laws
- 2.4 Doctrine of separation of powers
- 2.5 Delegated legislation
- 2.6 Control of delegated legislation
- 2.7 Discretion and Judicial count of executive
- 2.8 Liability of state (contractual/ tortious)
- 2.9 Principles of natural justice
- 2.10 Judicial control of the Executive
- 2.11 Independence of Judiciary
- 2.12 Remedies in administrative law (mandamus, certiorari, prohibition, habeas corpus; injunction and declaration)
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3. The Court System
- 3.1 Establishment, structure, composition and jurisdiction of courts
- 3.2 Supreme Court
- 3.3 Court of Appeal
- 3.4 High Court
- 3.5 Employment and Labour Relations Court
- 3.6 Environmental and Land court
- 3.7 International Court of Justice
- 3.8 Magistrates Court
- 3.9 Court Martial
- 3.10 Kadhi’s Court
- 3.11 Distinction between Courts and Tribunals
4. Alternative Dispute Resolutions (ADR)
- 4.1 Nature of alternative dispute resolutions (ADR)
- 4.2 Nature and types of disputes
- 4.3 Legal framework governing ADR
- 4.4 General principles of ADR
- 4.5 Negation and Conciliation
- 4.6 Mediation
- 4.7 Arbitration
- 4.8 Dispute Review Boards
- 4.9 Traditional dispute resolution mechanisms
5. Law of Persons
- Natural and artificial persons
- Nationality, citizenship and domicile
- Unincorporated and incorporated associations
- Co-operative societies
6. Law of Tort
- 6.1 Nature of tort
- 6.2 General defenses under tort
- 6.3 Negligence
- 6.4 Types of liabilities in tort
- 6.5 Trespass
- 6.6 Limitation and survival of actions
- 6.7 Remedies in tort
- 6.8 Principles in awards damages
- 6.9 Defamation
7. Law of Contract
- 7.1 Definition of a contract
- 7.2 Classification of contracts
- 7.3 Essentials of a valid contract
- 7.4 Terms of a contract
- 7.5 Exemption clauses
- 7.6 Vitiating factors
- 7.7 Discharge of contract
- 7.8 Remedies for breach of a contract
- 7.9 Limitation of actions
- 7.10 Contract negotiation
- 7.11 Information technology and the law of contract
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8. Sale of Goods
- 8.1 Nature of the contract of sale of goods
- 8.2 Types of goods
- 8.3 Formalities of the contract
- 8.4 Terms of the contract
- 8.5 Implied terms statute, custom/usage
- 8.6 Rights and duties of the parties
- 8.7 Remedies for price and breach of contract
- 8.8 Auction sales
- 8.9 International contracts of sale: FAS, FOB, CIF, FCA, CPT, CIP, DAT, DAP, DDP, CFR, DAF, DDU, Ex-works and Ex-ship
9. Agency
- 9.1 Meaning and nature of the agency contract
- 9.2 Types of agents
- 9.3 Parties to the agency relationship
- 9.4 Creation of agency
- 9.5 Authority of an agent
- 9.6 Rights and duties of the parties
- 9.7 Personal liability of agents
- 9.8 Liability of the parties
- 9.9 Termination of agency
10. Partnership
- 10.1 Nature of partnership
- 10.2 Registration process and requirements of partnership business
- 10.3 Types of partnerships
- 10.4 Rights, duties and liabilities of existing, incoming and minor partners
- 10.5 Management of partnerships
- 10.6 Dissolution of partnerships and its consequences
11. Indemnity and Guarantees
- 11.1 Essential features of indemnity
- 11.2 Nature and extent of liability of indemnifier
- 11.3 Commencement of liability of indemnifier
- 11.4 Nature of the contracts; essential features of contract guarantee; distinction between contract of guarantee/ indemnity extent of nature and surety
- 11.5 Obligations of surety
- 11.6 Discharge of surety
- 11.7 Letters of credit
- 11.8 Rights and duties of the parties
- 11.9 Termination of the contract
- 11.10 Remedies for breach of contract
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12. Insurance
- 12.1 Nature of the contract; types, parties to negotiable instrument
- 12.2 Formalities of the contract
- 12.3 Types of risks
- 12.4 Parties to the contract of insurance
- 12.5 Principles of insurance
- 12.6 Types of insurance
- 12.7 Transfers and amalgamation
- 12.8 Termination of the contract
- ICT and insurance
13. Negotiable Instruments
- Nature and characteristics
- Negotiability of the instrument
- Types: Cheques, promissory notes, bills of exchange
- Types of crossings
- Obligations of the parties
- Banker- customer relationship
- Presentment; purpose, time, place
- Discharge from liability
- Modes of discharge
- Dishonour, mode of dishonour, nature of protest, penalties for dishonour
- Acceptance for honour
- Criminal liability
14. The Law of Property
- 14.1 Definition of property
- 14.2 Classification of property (real and personal, movable and immovable, tangible and intangible)
- 14.3 Property in land: Private, public and community land
- 14.4 Interests in land: Estates, servitudes and encumbrances
- 14.5 Intellectual property: Plant breeder’s patents, trademarks, copyrights and industrial designs
- 14.6 Administration and management of land
- 14.7 Sectional properties
- 14.8 Management company
- 14.9 Obligations of lessor and lessee in sessional property Act
- 14.10 Transfer of land rights
- 14.11 Role of professionals (Advocates, Certified Secretaries) in land transactions
15. Introduction to corporate governance
- 15.1 Corporate governance – Definition and objects
- 15.2 Principles of corporate governance
- 15.3 Best practice in corporate governance
- 15.4 Role of stakeholders (shareholders, Board of Directors, Government)
- 15.5 Conflict of interest – Investor education and protection of shareholders
- 15.6 Compliance obligations
- 15.7 Legal Audit- definition and objects
16. Professional Ethics
- Introduction and overview of professional ethics
- Professional misconduct
- Publicity and advertisement
- Morality and etiquette
- Professional ethics for accountants, corporate secretaries
- Ethics and practice within a firm
- Enforcement of professional ethics and standards