Download CS Principles of Accounting KASNEB Notes
This paper is intended to equip the candidate with knowledge, skills and attitudes that will enable him/her to prepare and interpret financial statements for different entities.
A candidate who passes this paper should be able to:
- Prepare books of original entry and basic ledger accounts under double entry system
- Prepare basic financial statements of sole traders, partnerships, companies and manufacturing entities and not for profit organisations
- Comply with the regulatory framework in the accounting field
- Account for assets and liabilities
- Analyse financial statements by use of ratios and statement of cash flows.
Introduction to accounting
- The nature and purpose of accounting
- Users of accounting information and their respective needs
- Accounting Standards and their purposes
- Regulatory framework (ICPAK, IASB, IAESB, IPSASB)
- Professional ethics
- Principles; concepts and conventions underlying the preparation of accounting statements
Accounting procedures and techniques
- Double entry book-keeping
- The cash book; two and three column including cash journal
- The ledger and their role in recording and summarising, classifying accounting data
- Books of original entry
- Petty cash book
- Balancing accounts and preparing the trial balance
- Introduction to simple statements of financial performance
- Statements of financial position
Computerised accounting
- Different accounting packages
- Rationale for computerised accounting system
- Components of a computerised accounting system
- Selecting a good computerised accounting system
- Challenges of a computerised accounting system
- Current trends in computerised accounting software
- Rationale for computerised accounting system
Download CS Principles of Accounting KASNEB Notes
Preparation of financial statements and year-end adjustments
- Depreciation of non-current assets including their disposal (by part exchange; ordinary sale; accident)
- Methods and reasons of providing for depreciation
- Preparation of movement of property, plant equipment (as per International Financial Reporting Standards)
- Trade receivables, bad debts write-offs and provision for bad and doubtful debts
- Accruals, prepayments, reserves and provisions
- Necessary adjustments in statements of financial performance to record increase and decrease in provision for bad and doubtful debts
Confirming and correcting mechanism
- Bank reconciliation statements
- Control accounts
Errors and correction of errors
- Errors affecting and not affecting the agreement of the trial balance
- Use of the suspense accounts
- The effect of errors on statement of financial performance and statement of financial position
Sole traders accounts
- Income statements
- Statements of financial position
Partnership accounts
- Basic contents of a partnership agreement
- Provisions of the Partnership Act
- Partnership statement of financial performance and appropriation account
- Partners current account and statement of financial position
- Financial statements to reflect elementary changes in partnership such as admission, retirement and dissolution
Introduction to simple company accounts
- Share capital and reserve
- Issue of shares at par; premium; discount
- Over and under subscriptions
- Allotment and calls on shares, forfeiture of shares
- Preparation of statements of financial performance and appropriation account and the statement of financial position
- Published accounts: Components of a complete set of published financial statements only
Manufacturing accounts
- Elements of cost and cost behaviour
- Preparation of manufacturing accounts, statement of financial performance and statement of financial position
- Accounting treatment of manufacturing profit or loss and unrealised profit on closing stock
Download CS Principles of Accounting KASNEB Notes
Financial statements of a not-for-profit organisation
- What non-profit making organisations are
- Receipts and payments accounts
- Income and expenditure accounts and statement of financial position
Incomplete records and single entry book keeping
- Why incomplete records
- Preparation of statement of affairs
- Preparation of financial statements
Analysis of financial statements Introduction to accounting ratios
Profitability ratios
- Revenue ratios
- Liquidity ratios
Preparation of cash flow statements (International Accounting Standard 7)
Public sector accounting
- Features of public sector entities (as compared to private sector)
- Structure of the public sector and examples of entities in public sector
- Objectives of public sector financial statements
- Users of public sector financial statements and officers (treasury, accounting officers, public accounts committee, auditor general)
- IPSAS on inventory, property, plant and equipment and intangible assets (the ledger accounts of central and county governments are not examinable)
- Accounting techniques in public sector (budgeting, cash, accrual, commitment and fund)