Download Entrepreneurship and Communication Notes
This paper intends to equip the candidate with knowledge, skills and attitudes that will enable him/her to apply entrepreneurship knowledge in business and other environments.
A candidate who passes this paper should be able to:
- Identify viable business opportunities
- Prepare a business plan
- Demonstrate entrepreneurial orientation skills
- Communicate effectively in a business environment
- Apply entrepreneurial knowledge in response to the emerging business trends.
Entrepreneurial mindset
- Definition of entrepreneurship
- Historical development of entrepreneurship
- Characteristics of entrepreneurs
- Types of entrepreneurs
- Distinction between entrepreneurs and small business owners
- Approaches to entrepreneurship
- Importance of entrepreneurs to development
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Entrepreneurship and innovation
- Creativity and innovation
- Corporate entrepreneurship and innovation
- Qualities of entrepreneurial firms
- Social enterprises and sustainability
- Entrepreneurial ethics, responsibility and leadership
- Case study on corporate entrepreneurship
Opportunity identification and development
- Methods of generating ideas
- Sources of innovative ideas
- Qualities of viable business opportunities
- Evaluating business opportunities
- Challenges of starting new ventures
- Why new ventures fail
- Business incubation
- Role of government in promoting entrepreneurship
Creating and starting a new venture
- Approaches to creating new ventures
- Acquiring an established business venture
- Business planning
- Overview of the business plan
- Scope and value of a business plan
- Practical experience in writing of a business plan
Business growth strategies
- Penetration, market and product development strategy
- Public and private placements
- Joint ventures
- Diversification
- Loans and equity financing
- Venture capitalists
- Informal risk capitalists
- Crowd funding and crowding sourcing
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Entrepreneurship and technology
- Internet and e-commerce
- The enterprise website
- Impact of globalisation
- Global entrepreneurs
- Business process outsourcing
- Electronic and mobile money transfers
- Business networking
Nature of business communication
- Meaning of communication
- Purposes of business communication
- Internal and external communication
- The communication process
- Methods of communication
- Communication systems and networks
- Principles of effective communication
- Barriers to effective communication
Written communication
- Rules of effective writing
- Business correspondence
- Reports
- Memorandum
- Proposal writing
- Forms and questionnaire design
- Circulars and newsletters
- Notices and advertisements
- Publicity materials
- Press releases
- Graphic communication
Oral and non-verbal communication
- Oral communication in business
- Effective listening
- Interviews
- Non-verbal communication
- Interpersonal relationships
- Presentations skills
- Notice
- Agenda
- Role of the chairperson
- Role of the secretary
- Role of participants
- Conduct of meetings
- Minutes of meetings
Information technology and communication
- The internet
- Teleconferencing
- Wireless technologies
- Electronic postal services
- Use of E-mails
Ethics and integrity in business communication
- Concept of ethics and integrity
- Significance of ethical communication
- Factors influencing ethical communication
- Ethical dilemmas in communication
- Guidelines to handle communication ethics dilemmas
- Business ethics in communication
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