Download Planning and Conducting Formal Investigations Notes
CFFE Module II Notes Pdf
This paper is intended to equip the candidate with knowledge, skills and attitudes that will enable him/her to effectively plan for and conduct fraud investigations and to prepare comprehensive reports.
A candidate who passes this paper should be able to:
- Develop a fraud/corruption theory
- Identify off and on book fraud
- Apply the various methods and techniques of conducting fraud investigations
- Write standard investigations and expert witness reports
- Assist management/board in fraud/corruption prevention and detection
- Introduction to Planning and Conducting Investigations
1.1 Objectives of fraud/corruption investigations
1.2 Functions of a fraud investigation
1.3 Fraud investigations, forensic accounting and forensic audit
1.4 Fraud investigation methodology
1.5 Developing a fraud response plan
- Methods and Techniques of Conducting Investigations
2.1 Analysing documents and collecting evidence
2.2 Interviewing theory and application
2.3 Interviewing suspects and written confession statements
2.4 Undercover operations
2.5 Identifying sources of information
2.6 Data analysis and forensic reporting tools
- Digital Forensic Investigations
3.1 Conducting investigations involving computers
3.2 Digital investigations versus digital forensics
3.3 Digital forensic experts
3.4 Digital investigations and law enforcement
3.5 Digital evidence
3.6 Digital investigation in cloud environment
3.7 Phases of digital forensics and investigations
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- Tracing Illicit Assets
4.1 General process for tracing illicit assets
4.2 Methods of obtaining information for locating assets
4.3 Direct method of tracing illicit financial transactions
4.4 Indirect methods of tracing illicit financial transactions
4.5 Locating hidden assets
4.6 Locating assets hidden in foreign jurisdictions
- Standard Investigation Report Writing
5.1 Fraud investigation report
5.2 Expert witness report
5.3 Preparation for report writing
5.4 Characteristics of a good report
5.5 Common reporting mistakes
5.6 Organisation of information
5.7 Readers and users of fraud investigation reports
5.8 Outlining the fraud investigation report
5.9 Grammatical considerations
5.10 Fraud investigations report structure
5.11 Experts report structure
5.12 Reporting documents
5.13 Fraud investigation checklist
5.14 Fraud investigation engagement letters
5.15 Fraud investigation advisory letters
- Case Study (Based on competencies acquired in Papers 3,4,5 and 6) Based on the case study
- Determine if there is predication to conduct an investigation by explaining why you
believe there is predication or not - Based on the allegation develop a fraud theory for the case study
- Identify if the fraud is on-book or off-book
- Identify the principal category of fraud in this case study and the laws violated by
the fraudulent and corrupt activities - Plan the investigation
- Identify the justice systems that can be used in the fraud/corruption case
- Explain the trial processes, that is, criminal and civil justice systems in both
common law and civil Law for the case study - Explain the methods and techniques that will be applied to investigate the case
study - Identify the facts/evidence that can be used in a court of law to prove
fraud/corruption in this case study - Prepare a forensic investigation/audit report that can be used in a court of law
- Prepare an expert witness report
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