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The discussions herein is meant to enlighten, broaden your understanding and also motivate existing KASNEB students and those who want to pursue their career paths through KASNEB. The main topics allowed in this forum but are not limited to include: Exam rules, Examination results, Exemption policies, Course registration, exemption rules and guidelines and many more…
Note: This is not an official kasneb discussion forum. All matters discussed and advice given herein is subject to verification by kasneb official support.
Hi, i just had a clarification, in the case of ATD, finance which was in level 2 has been transferred to level 3 and taxation taken to level 2 , if i plan to sit for my december level 3 exams and i had passed finance in level 2 during the may exams, will i be forced to take finance again instead of taxataion. Please assist, thank you.
I failed two papers in section 5, to resit for the paper, l have combined with section 6 papers to clear CPA exams, my question is, what will happen when I fail one of this papers?
Hello Elizabeth,all candidates have one year including August 2022 sitting to complete part III under the old syllabus
In my first level of ATD 1 i got 3 credits earned is it allowed for me to continue to ATD II or do i nedd to retake that one unit
Hello Grace,you will sit public finance and taxation,you won’t re-do fundamentals of finance again in the new syllabus
I have a question,I did cpa sec 1&2 and had a refer in Commercial law under the old syllabus..and wanted to register for the December exams..is it possible??
Hello Angela,commercial law has been scrapped off in the new syllabus therefore you will re-take a paper equivalent to the one you failed in the old syllabus
Can a new student book only three papers in a particular level as was the case in the old syllabus?
Hello Lennox,yes you can book a minimum of 3 papers and a maximum of 6 papers in the new syllabus
For those student who finished ATD but never collected their Certificate for than nine years,how can they get it/ charges applicable for late collection?
Hi Joseph,kindly visit KASNEB offices for certificate collection. Storage charges apply.
Hello I have done a degree in business and Management banking and finance options, I have an interest in doing Cpa, help me on how I can exempt some units and at which cost?
whats the payment amount per paper under the new syllabus
Hello Vincent,kindly visit https://chopi.co.ke to access the revised KASNEB fee structure
I sat for CPA section 3 in 2013 and passed in FR and Company Law, I failed in Financial Management and would like to continue. Where do I start please?
Hello Grace,all earned credits will be retained,you will only re-take financial management under the current syllabus in the intermediate level
i did cpa and pass upto part two can i do current syllabus advance level
Hello Samuel,you will proceed to CPA Advanced level. Check our website for latest study materials
Hello..if you fail entrepreneurship and communication in the old syllabus ,which paper will book in new syllabus
Had finished cpa section 3 and was to take section 4..How do i proceed
I did cpa sec 1&2 and failed ma, I want to proceed to intermediate level plz advice me accordingly
Hello Zadock, you will now sit for Quantitative Analysis under the new syllabus before proceeding to Intermediate level
if one failed in MIS last sitting kindly advise on the way forward since MIS is no longer in section 4 anymore.
Is ICT unit in CPA new syllabus theory only or both theory and practical?
Hello Samuel, ICT is purely a theoretical paper under the new syllabus
Did finish my ATD 3 back in May. Passed all. Need to proceed to Intermediate level and combine sec 3&4
. Any exemptions? Do I have to resit for MA and Tax? Kindly help me out!
Hello,Im new to subsequent exam booking.I have already deposited the fees at the bank do I need to an examination booking form as I did when I was registering as a new kasneb student.If there is an examination booking form kindly share
Hello Bright,visit the student’s portal and book the examination online, it’s much more convenient that way
Hello Geoffrey,yes you will get some exemptions in some units,kindly forward your transcripts/certificates to info@kasneb.or.ke for advise
Hello i have done and passed all my section 1 & 2 exams.Can i book the section 5&6 under the old syllabus or do i have to do the new advanced level papers??
Sorry i meant i hv done both part ! & 2
Hello,,, when is the best time to apply for CPA1 to sit for exams in June 2022?
Hello I did part 2 old syllabus will I proceed to advanced level?
Dear admin,
I did CPA part 2 passed section 4 with previous credits in section 3 i passed in two papers and failed one. I haven’t sat for the failed paper in over 2.5 years now. Will I be required to redo all the papers in section 3&4 or I will repeat section 3 papers?
if i pass in level 2 cams is it a must to go to attachment as it is said in the new structure 2021?
havedone cpa section 1 part 1 will i be allowed to proceed with section 2 in new syllabus
Dear administration,
What if one registered part 2 at once , did exams and passed section 4 but in section 3 passed only financial management and company law but failed financial reporting and this was a final attempt in August 2021. Will I retake this one paper or the whole section 3 in the old syllabus? Kindly give away forward.
i did section five last sitting and failed all the papers will i specialise or not
i did section five last sitting and failed all the papers will i do old or new sylabus or specialise
hi,i am sitting for the april 2022 exams for advanced level 2 .i finished my section 4 level november 2022.I only want to do Advanced Financial Management and Leadership management for the april sitting.Is it possible for me to do that?
hello, i have passed upto section 5, what are my options?
Hi, i complited my CPA part one in 2018 and i need to continue with section 3 will i do the old syllabus or new syllabus?