Download CIFA Leadership and Management Notes
This paper is intended to equip the candidate with knowledge, skills and attitudes that will enable him/her to apply and demonstrate leadership and management skills to grow an enterprise under various circumstances and environments including under uncertainties.
A candidate who passes this paper should be able to:
- Demonstrate an understanding of leadership techniques and management principles
- Apply knowledge of leadership and management theories in organizations
- Effectively undertake management functions
- Make rational management decisions in an organisational context
- Embrace and manage strategic change.
Introduction to management
- 1.1 Nature of management
- 1.2 Importance of management
- 1.3 Levels of management
- 1.4Multi-disciplinary nature of management
- 1.5Roles of management as advocated Henry Mintzberg
- 1.6 The changing roles of management and managers
- 1.7Qualities of an effective manager
- 1.8Management and administration
Evolution and development of management thought
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2.1 Classical approaches to management
- 2.1.1 Taylor’s view point
- 2.1.2 Fayol’s administrative theory
- 2.1.3 Max Weber’s bureaucratic theory
2.2 Behavioural management approach
- 2.2.1 Elton Mayo-Human relation theory
- 2.2.2 Abraham Maslow’s theory
- 2.2.3 McGregor’s X and Y theories
- 2.2.4 Mary Parker Follett’s Management theory
2.3 Modern management theories
- 2.3.1 Quantitative thinking
- 2.3.2 Systems thinking
- 2.3.3 Contingency thinking
Leading as a function of management
- 3.1 Differences between management and leadership
- 3.2 Attributes and skills of a good leader
- 3.3 Delegation, responsibility and accountability
- 3.4 Power, authority and accountability
Other Functions of management
4.1 Planning function:
- 4.1.1 Introduction to planning
- 4.1.2Importance of planning
- 4.1.3Planning process
- 4.1.4Types of plans
- 4.1.5Approaches to planning
4.2 Organising function
- 4.2.1 Meaning and importance of organising
- 4.2.2 Factors affecting the organising function
- 4.2.3Process of organising
- 4.2.4Principles of organising
- 4.2.5 Organisational structures
4.3 Staffing function
- 4.3.1Meaning and importance of staffing
- 4.3.2Staffing process
- 4.3.3 Factors that affect the staffing function
- 4.3.4 Components of the staffing function
4.4 Controlling function
- 4.4.1 Meaning and importance of control
- 4.4.2Steps in the control process
- 4.4.3Types of control
- 4.4.4 Controlling for organisational and employee performance
- 4.4.5 Tools for measuring performance
- 4.4.6 Essentials of an effective control system
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Environmental Analysis
- 5.1 Micro-environment
- 5.2 Macro-environment
- 5.3 Internal environment
- 5.4 External environment
- 5.5 Tools of environmental analysis
Leadership approaches and strategy
- 6.1 Leadership traits
- 6.2 Leadership styles
- 6.3 Leadership skills
- 6.4 Formulation of an organisation’s strategic direction
- 6.5 Differences between transactional leadership and transformational leadership
- 6.6 Conflict resolution mechanisms
- 6.7 Ethics in leadership
Decision making
- 7.1 Importance of decision making
- 7.2 Decision making models/approaches
- 7.3 Types of decisions
- 7.4 Decision making process
- 7.5 Problem solving skills
- 7.6 Decision making under different conditions
- 7.7Challenges in decision making
- 7.8Effective decision making
Enterprise management
- 8.1 Meaning and concept of entrepreneurship
- 8.2Intrapreneurship
- 8.3Entrepreneurial development
- 8.4Enhancing creativity and innovation in organisations
- 8.5Methods of generating ideas
- 8.6Introduction to business plan
- 8.7Protection of intellectual properties
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Project management
- 9.1 Project management concepts
- 9.2Characteristics of a project
- 9.3 Importance of projects
- 9.4Features of projects and baseline surveys
- 9.5 Illustration of theProject life cycle
- 9.6 Project planning and organising
- 9.7Project resources and costing
- 9.8Project completion and evaluation
Marketing management
- 10.1Meaning and importance of marketing
- 10.2Marketing management orientation/philosophies
- 10.3 Marketing mix
- 10.4 Development of marketing information
- 10.5Marketing strategies
- 10.6Marketing research and intelligence
- 10.7International marketing and e-commerce
Leadership and Strategic Change
- 11.1 Meaning of change
- 11.2 Theories of change
- 11.3 Types of organisational change
- 11.4 Managing resistance to change
- 11.5 Diagnosing the change context
- 11.6 Levers for strategic change
- 11.7 Methods of introducing strategic change
- 11.8 Problems of formal change programmes
- 11.9 Leading Change
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