Download Research, Consultancy and Advisory Notes
CS Intermediate Level Notes
This paper is intended to equip the candidate with the knowledge, skills and attitudes that will enable him/her to design and implement research, translate research findings as well as undertake consultancy and advisory services on matters of governance, compliance and management.
A candidate who passes this paper should be able to:
- Articulate a clear research question or problem and formulate a hypothesis
- Identify and apply appropriate research approaches and methodologies
- Write a research report and explain their research findings through presentations
- Effective manage and implement management consultancy projects
- Develop project implementation plans
- Demonstrate coaching and facilitation skills and techniques as components of consultancy and advisory services
Underlying Theories/Models of Research, Consultancy and Advisory
Selected Research and Consultancy Theories
- Social-systems theory
- Social network theory
- Situated learning theory
- Otherness & Parasites theory
- The Intervention Theory of Argyrols.
- Blake and Mouton’s Consultation Theory
- Weisberg’s Theory of Organisational Diagnosis
- Theory of Planned Behaviour
- Innovation diffusion theory.
- General Deterrence Theory
Introduction to Research
- General Overview
- Research Philosophies
- Research Methodologies
- Types of Research
- Research design
- Purpose and importance of research
- Research ethics and integrity
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Types of Research
- Historical Research
- Comparative Research
- Descriptive Research
- Correlation Research
- Experimental Research
- Evaluation Research
- Causal research
- Correlational research
- Action Research
- Echogenic Research
- Feminist Research
- Cultural Research
Research Process
- Problem Formulation
- Problem identification/conceptualization
- Research Questions
- Hypothesis construction, characteristics of hypothesis, hypothesis testing.
- Statement of Objectives
- Literature Review; citations
- Conceptual framework
Tests of Hypothesis
- Basic Concepts Concerning Testing of Hypotheses
- Procedure for Hypothesis Testing
- Type I Type II Errors
- Test of Significance
Methods of Sampling
- Systematic Sampling
- Distinction between a Systematic Random sample and a Simple Random Sample
- Stratified Sampling
- Strategies involved in Stratified Sampling
- Advantages of Stratified Sampling over other Sampling Methods 6.6 Disadvantages of Stratified Sampling
- Some Non-Random Sampling Method
Data Collection
- Unpublished Sources
- Published Data
- Necessary Guidelines for Collecting Reliable Data
- Methods of Collecting Data
- Stages in the Collection of Data
- Design of a Good Questionnaire
Processing and analysing data
- Steps in Data Analysis
- Methods of data analysis
- Narrative Data Analysis
- Statistical Data Analysis
- Descriptive Data Analysis
- Data Analysis Techniques
- Univariate Distribution
- The Frequency Distribution
- Measures of Central Tendency
- Measures of Dispersion
- Types data analysis and significance tests.
- Use of software
- Interpretation of results
- The cyclic nature of research
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Data interpretation and presentation
- Technique of Interpretation
- Precaution in Interpretation
- Frequency tables
- Pie charts
- Graphs
Writing the report.
- Significance of Report Writing
- Different Steps in Writing Report
- Layout of the Research Report
- Types of Reports
- Oral Presentation
- Precautions for Writing Research Report
Research Proposal, Research Report Writing and Referencing
- Basic principles
- Formats, contents, presentation data presentation; use of charts, graphs and tables.
- Referencing styles, citation of primary and secondary sources, foot notes and end notes, bibliography and references
- Format of Certified Secretaries research project
Introduction to Advisory and Consultancy
- General Background
- Role of consultants
- Qualities of a good consultant
- Developing internal consulting skills
- The internal consultant’s role
- How the internal consultant differs from line management and external consultancy
- Skills and knowledge requirements
- Time management, managing customer expectations, creative problem solving, communication skills, working with clients, managing politics, managing conflict, managing client-consultant relationships.
- Difference between Consultancy and Advisory
- Uses of consultants – public sector, private sector, and internal consulting
- Consulting roles and culture
- Professionalism and ethics
- Legal and ethical considerations
Nature and Purpose of Management Consulting
- What is consulting?
- Why are consultants used? Five generic purposes
- How are consultants used? Ten principal ways
- The consulting process
- Evolving concepts and scope of management consulting
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The Consulting Industry
- A historical perspective
- The current consulting scene
- Range of services provided
- Generalist and specialist services
- Main types of consulting organisation
- Internal consultants
- Management consulting and other professions
The Advisory Discipline
- Role of an Advisor
- What Makes a Good Advisor?
- Strategy, Execution and Accountability
- Crisis Management
- Business Resilience Overview
- Mapping Out the Client Discovery
- Building Trust
- Confidence and Experience
- Business Planning Process
Conducting Consultative & Advisory Services
- Basic Consultative Approaches
- Expert Approach
- Medical (Doctor-Patient) Approach
- Process Approach
- Emergent Approach (Emergent Organisational Development And Change (EODC)
The Client and Consultant Relationship
- Defining roles and expectations
- The client and the consultant systems
- Critical dimensions of the consultant–client relationship
- Negotiation, persuasion and coaching skills
Professionalism and Ethics in Consulting
- Is management consulting a profession?
- The professional approach
- Professional associations and codes of conduct
- Certification and licensing
- Legal liability and professional responsibility
Facilitation Skills
- Introduction to facilitation
- Definition of facilitation
- Purpose of facilitation
- Role and skills of the facilitator
- Differences between facilitation, instruction, training, and chairing
Facilitation process
- Problem/goal identifications
- Problem resolution/decision making
- Implementing solution
- Groups dynamics
- Group decision making
- Guidelines for group consensus building
- Managing behaviours
- Team development
- Facilitations tools and techniques: brainstorming, cluster, voting, process mapping, storyboarding, Ishikawa diagram – fishbone, nominal group technique, de bono, thinking hats, solving performance problems, etc.
- Presentation: opening and closing; audience; purpose (convince, educate, motivate etc.); content; time; tools; style; practionalities – 3 ps (prepare, practice and practice again); preparing PowerPoint presentations
- Handling controversial issues
- Communication skills
- Listening skills-watching both verbal and nonverbal cues
- Providing effective feedback
- Managing divergent perspectives
- Leveraging on ICT in facilitating
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Coaching Skills
- Role and skills of an effective coach
- Managing from a coaching perspective
- Handling resistance to constructive criticism
- Using effective probing and questioning
- Workplace coaching techniques
- Key motivational coaching skills
- Limitations of coaching
- Differences between coaching, mentoring, counselling, training, managing, consulting and life coaching
- Essential coaching skills: listening, questioning, reflecting back and mirroring, paraphrasing and summarising
- The grow model and its applicability
- Selecting a coaching style to match the individual situation
- Planning and delivering a structured coaching session
- Measuring the success and impact of the coaching
The Consulting Process
- Introduction
- Entry and Contracting
- First client meetings
- Preliminary problem diagnosis
- Terms of reference – Technical proposals and Financial proposals
- Assignment strategy and plan
- Proposal to the client
- The consulting contract
- Types of projects and project cycles
- Proposal development
- Consulting contract
- Service Quality
- Engagement and Implementation
- Management of projects
- Presentations and communicating with clients
- Ongoing client contact and service
- Extension, Recycle, or Termination
- Time for withdrawal
- Final reporting
- Evaluation & validation
- Feedback to the client
Action Planning
- Searching for possible solutions
- Developing and evaluating alternatives
- Presenting action proposals to the client
- The consultant’s role in implementation monitoring implementation
- Training and developing client staff
- Some tactical guidelines for introducing changes in work methods
- Maintenance and control of the new practice
- Time for withdrawal
- Evaluation
- Follow-up
- Final reporting
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Managing a Consulting Firm
- Fundamentals of management in the consulting profession
- The management challenge of the professions
- Managing a professional service
- Managing a professional business
- Achieving excellence professionally and in business
The Consulting Firm’s Strategy
- The strategic approach
- The scope of client services
- The client base
- Growth and expansion
- Going international
- Profile and image of the firm
- Strategic management in practice
Legal and Ethical Issues
- Legal risks and management
- Client privilege issues
- Professional ethics
- Client’s Perspective
- Selection of consultants
- Effective management of consultants
- Evaluation of performance
- Use of consultants
- Maintaining independence and objectivity
Marketing Professional Services
- Features of services: Intangibility; Inseparability; Heterogeneity (or variability); Perishability.
- Challenges in marketing services
- Marketing techniques for professional services
- Specialization and niche targeting
- Blogs and articles
- A lead-generating website
- Search engine optimization (SEO)
- Speaking engagements
- Trade show participation
- Social media
- Online video
- Other techniques
- Direct and indirect channels of distribution
- Legal, professional and ethical considerations. – ICS guideline on professional ethics and conduct
Pricing Professional Services
- Factors that determine pricing: cost, client value, competition, one off or retainer, pricing guidelines by professional body
- Pricing strategies
- A value-based pricing strategy
- Time and materials pricing
- Market pricing,
- Package pricing/fixed pricing
Managing Consultancy and Advisory Process Cycle
- Obtaining the assignment
- Terms of reference for consultancy assignments
- Technical and financial consultancy proposals
- Preparation for consultancy assignments
- Understanding clients’ needs
- Determining the scope of assignment
- Client readiness and consultant’s capability
- Gathering key information
- Developing an action plan
- Recording progress and client feedback
- Report writing
- Step-by-step approach of the advisory process
- Implementation of your advice/change
- checking for consistency, understanding your clients, and proposals
- Monitor and evaluate consultancy assignments
- Legal and ethical issues in the management of consultancy assignments