Certified Public Accountants(CPA) New Syllabus
CPA Foundation Level
- Financial Accounting
- Communication Skills
- Introduction to Law and Governance
- Economics
- Quantitative Analysis
- Information Communication Technology
CPA Intermediate Level
- Company Law
- Financial Management
- Financial Reporting and Analysis(Incorporating IPSAS)
- Auditing and Assurance
- Management Accounting
- Public Finance and Taxation
CPA Advanced Level
Specialisation (Select one, Double specialisation allowed)
- Advanced taxation
- Advanced Auditing and Assurance
- Advanced Management Accounting
- Advanced Public Financial Management
Business and Data Analytics Study Notes
Practical Paper on Business and Data Analytics
Note: In addition to the above papers, prior to certification, candidates to:
- Attend workshops on ethics,leadership and soft skills organised by kasneb and ICPAK and earn IPD hours
- Obtain 1 year practical experience, or alternatively attend workshops on work based simulation organised by kasneb and ICPAK
CPA for Accounting degree holders from recognised universities.
Accounting degree holders will be exempted from Foundation level and therefore they will only be require to take 9 Papers
CPA Intermediate Level
- Company Law
- Financial Management
- Financial Reporting and Analysis(Incorporation of IPSAS)
- Auditing and Assurance (Elective)
- Management Accounting (Elective)
- Public Finance and Taxation (Elective)
The elective will determine the specialisation at advanced level
CPA Advanced Level
- Leadership and Management
- Advanced Financial Reporting
- Advanced Financial Management
Specialization (One paper)
- Advanced taxation
- Advanced Auditing and Assurance
- Advanced Management Accounting
- Advanced Public Financial Management
Practical Paper on Business and Data Analytics
How can i get CPA notes new syllabus ,foundation level?
Hello Debora,kindly visit https://buy.chopi.co.ke to download the materials
CPA notes Foundation level
I need current foundation level notes and revision papers
Hello admin Am Herman I did CPA up to Section 5 passed two paper and failed one in 2015 , need to seat for december exam
my NAC/225469
Assist where to start
Hello, am at the foundation level ,heard applied for the November examination and now have seen that accounting degrees holders can be exempted from the foundation level ..am undertaking my accounting degree at Kibabii university kindly help me to be exempted
Hello Poly,kindly send your transcripts/certificate to info@kasneb.or.ke to get advise on units to be exempted and charges that apply
Hello admin .I did my CPA section 4 more than two years ago. I want to finish the course. How many sections or papers am I supposed to sit for.or where should I start?
Hello, how can I continue my studies if I had stopped doing kasneb exams? I was at the intermediate level and I had attempted that level and passed three papers. Kindly advise me on the same, thank you.
Hello,Bii credits earned in the previous syllabus will be retained,you will only re-take the equivalent of the papers failed
Hallow, which CPA units one can do after ATD 3 under new syllabus
i have completed DACC what level can i start
which units can i be exempted if i have completed DACC and want to enroll cpa
I have just finished my degree in Business Management, Finance and Banking option and I want to register for my CPA, kindly advise me on the registration process and exemptions.
Hello Dennis,kindly visit http://www.kasneb.or.ke on matters registration and exemptions
Hello, I have failed one paper in sec 6 AFR in the last sitting.. Which paper am I suppose to retake now?
Hello Margaret, you will sit the Advanced Financial Reporting and Analysis paper in the
revised syllabus.
Hello Dennis,kindly visit http://www.kasneb.or.ke to register and apply for exemptions
Hi admin.,
I have just finished my degree in bcom with public finance and taxation option and I want to register for my cpa kindly advise me on the registration process and the exemption.
Hello, admin,I failed quantitative analysis in the previous syllabus,CPA 4,how can I proceed,can I go to advanced level direct, please help,
What units will i take in the new syllabus if i failed section 5 and 6 in august?
Hello Salome, you will re-take the same units under the old syllabus, you have up to August 2022 to clear the course
Hi,I did my ATC final exams back in 2013 and would like to continue,at what level should i start from?
Hello am not understanding how the new syllabus is working, I had done section one and now I have no ideas the papers that am supposed to sit for in December.
Hello Harrison, you will take Quantitative Analysis, ICT and Economics come December
I sat for my refer in public finance and taxation which was my final attempt and failed again.on my result notification am told to sit for the paper failed under the transition protocol, what does that mean since tax is now in section 4
Hello Beritah, it simply means you will re-do it as Information Communication Technology(ICT) under the new syllabus
Hello admin .I did my CPA section 4 more than two years ago. I want to finish the course. How many sections or papers am I supposed to sit for.or where should I start?
Kindly help me with CPA section 5 & 6 notes that conforms with the current syllabus
Hello Peter, access all revised content here https://buy.chopi.co.ke/
I ave only one fail in sec 6, I’m going to do it as the only paper
Hello Samwel,yes you will do the failed unit only
Hello Samwel, you will sit only the failed unit
Hi..how much does Leadership and Management notes cost?
I am supposed to do Sec 4 in Dec and I already did Management Accounting and Public Finance and Taxation in previous sections.
Kindly advise what papers i need to sit for in Dec under Sec 4.
Thank you.
Hello Irene,you will only take Auditing and Assurance then proceed to Advanced Level
I did Atd to section 3,will I retake the same units in section 4 that I already did?
Hello Francis, you will be exempted the already done units in the previous syllabus
CPA notes Foundation level
Hi my brother failed a paper in the intermediate ATD.That is principles of management.In the new syllabus will he have to resit for the paper together with the new unit of taxation? Please assist
Hello, how can I get the notes for leadership and management
Hello admin .I did my CPA section 4 more than two years ago. I want to finish the course. How many sections or papers am I supposed to sit for.or where should I start?
Hi I had I did the old syllabus upto sec 4 and passed company law, kindly advise on the way forward from there, am a Bcom-finance holder as well, kindly advice
Hi ,how many papers are you supposed to take in advanced level
Hello, kindly help. I did section two but failed one paper of public finance and taxation. I am supposed to repeat it on December exam. Should i repeat that paper and it is pushed to intemedaite level or which paper should i do
Hello admin, I am not understanding what I will sit for in advanced level because I had attempted section five and failed sge and management accounting
Hello, in i only have sec 5 and 6 left, what usnitsshould i take in the nyw syllabus
Hi, for those units which are not affected, do their topics remain the same? Kindly advice since I had FR refer
I am not able to sign into my portal to register for the exam.
I have tried using the new link but it’s not going through.
Please assist…
Good Morning,
Kindly help, i can’t find notes for financial markets and specialised institutions(CS) intermediate level
Hello,kindly explain.You have said that Accounting degree holders will be exempted Foundation level.What will be exempted to Finance degree holders? Thanks
I did my section four and I passed. Which units do I need to register for section five. Will I continue with the old system or the new system
I did my CPA part 1 in early 90s & managed to pass Economics, Financial accounting, Busines law and auditing but in different sittings. Can this qualify me to complete the remaing papers then and get a certificate. Have 25 yrs of service in a busy finance office of a multinational agricultural farm
Hello, Am planning to enroll for CPA as from january and i have a degree in accounting , will i be eccempted from all units in foundation level?
I did section 5 of part 3 and pass what is the way forward in new syllabus for me.
Hey I failed my a unit that was currently called Business law and I want to retake it what unit should I apply for
Hello, I finished my ATC I&ii on 2015 and I was to seat for CpA section 2 but due to unavoidable reasons I was unable to seat for the exam, I want to get back to class, where am I supposed to start and which section am I supposed to seat on with new syllabus?
Hello, kindly advise me on the way forward , I just want to begin my CPA coming January 2022 alongside my commerce degree but unfortunately I even don’t understand the whole process of commencing, I would also like to know when you do your intakes please, thanks.
Hello am nicholas i did bcom accounting and enrolled for cpa in 2018 i failed in three units but recently am thinking of an exemption kindly advice
I had one failed in section 3 in my last sitting in 2017. I want to resume my studies now in 2022, will I continue from were stopped or start from section 1 again? Please I need clarification.
hello , am 3rd year student taking bachelor of business management -banking and finance option . before completing my degree is it possible to have exemption ?????
Hello team.
I had done Section 1 & 2 in the old Syllabus and passed. Should I now continue with Intermediate level or what should I do?
Hello.. which units will I be excempted .I have completed my Atd and want to proceed to CPA and how much will it cost.
Hello.Is there exemption for intermediate level,i .e
Auditing, Management Accounting and public finance for degree holders or we are to take the three.
Or in a different fashion,what does the word ‘elective’mean?
I am a holder DICT and wish to pursue CPA where do start from is there any exception
Hey, i wish to continue on,las sat for the exam in 2012 got a refer back then for one unit in section 4. now that the syllabus have changed should i be required to undertake the whole of section section 4?
helo i completed ATD3 and would like to join CPA where would i begin from foundation level or intermediate level
I did diploma in accountancy knec and l want to take cpa which section am l going to start from and ll there be some exemption
Hello ..I wish to pursue CPA and I got mean grade of B plain am asking if I qualify to skip the Foundation level
Hi, please clarify on the workshop period. Over what period will the workshops be? and will they be chargeable?
Also what happens to one who has been working actively in an accounting position? do they still have to do they still have to do the one year practical?
Good afternoon,i would to register for CPA 3 exams ,which are the subjects?
Hello,I did bachelor of procurement and supply chain and I can see in foundation level there’s some paper s I have done,will get exemption?
I did my sec 1 back in 2019 and I failed,,I have completed myy degree course in finance,can I apply for exemption?
HI… I did cpa section 5 and 6 long ago on 2013 and failed two papers in section 5 and also two papers in section six….will it be possible for me to re-sit the papers as i can se a drastic change of the syllabus
hello,am kelvin i had earlier paid exemption under the old syllabus and i want to combine intermediate level,how many units will i be exempted in the intermediate level and how much should i pay?
regards kelvin
Hi,i did my sec 3 in 2013 dec and is supposed to redo the whole section but the syllabus has changed again. how do i go about it, thanks
hello,i did my sec 3 in 2003,i know want to sit for sec 4 this year 2022,will i have to sit for management information system which i passed in 2003
I did sec. 6 in the old syllabus and passed two papers tax. and. Audit. the overall results were a fail, will I be exempted on these two papers in the new syllabus?
I am a CPA finalist, i would like to pursue certified investment ans financial analyst CIFA, which level should i join?
Hello ,I have Fail In AFR, AAA, AMA but want to sit for new syllubus.kindly guide
hello,am Jacinta l did section one and two in 2015,passed sec 1 and failed 2,since then have done any progress.please advice on way forward l want to continue with course,l have a degree.